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Pinewood Derby
Since 1996
DerbyStick Timer > DerbyPak4 - DerbyStick 4 Lanes
DerbyPak4 - DerbyStick 4 Lanes

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Price: $239.00
Availability: Ships 1-2 weeks ARO
Prod. Code: 6008

Package for 4 Lanes with GPRM

Includes DerbyStick for 4 Lanes, the LightBridgeTM, and GrandPrix Race Manager Pro software.  *We always ship the most current version of each software package*   GPRM Now Ships on USB Memory Stick.

The DerbyStick 4 Lane includes: start switch w/ 40 foot cable and four stop sensors.

You must use this product with a computer. 

One year warranty.

Please Note that the Software portion of this Package is Non-refundable.


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