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Pinewood Derby
Since 1996
Pinewood Derby Links

Here's some other pinewood derby links you may want to check out:

Non-Commercial sites:

Speedway Motors' Pinewood Derby Car Resource Guide
a great list of resources shared with us by a Junior Girl Scout troop

Maximum Velocity! Pinewood Derby Car Building Tips
tools and tips, how to recover from boo-boos, a buyer's guide and a Q&A section

Derby Talk is a forum for Pinewood Derby, Awana Grand Prix, Kub Kar Rally, Shape N Race Derby, Space Derby, Raingutter Regatta, and other similar races where a child and an adult work together to create a race vehicle and a lot of fun and memories.

Commercial sites:

Mid-America Pinewood Derby  Boy Scouts of America, Mid-America Council

Aaaand they're off! It's time for the Boy Scouts of America Mid-America Pinewood Derby Race! This year, the races will be run on a brand-new six-lane, 42-foot aluminum track with an electronic timer and starting gate! Membership in Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts of America is not required, and siblings and adults are encouraged to enter a car in the race too!  Today our guests brought in their cars to show off to Mike and Mary!

PInewood Physics DVD

A great 2-hour DVD on how to make your car run fast using the principles of Physics.  Also, a wonderful educational tool to make physics fun for kids!  www.pinewoodphysics.com

This 2-hour video features our Original DT8000 timer and will show you how to...

  1. Use the principles of physics to build the fastest car possible, within the rules.
  2. Set the weight and center of mass of your car to maximize speed.
  3. Reduce the effects of friction.
  4. Align your car’s wheels to near perfection.
  5. Maximize your child’s involvement in car construction without compromising quality.
  6. Build a simple test track in your garage.

Pinewood Derby Race and Car Supplies

Pinewood Derby Car Supersite - Your one stop derby shop! You can build a winning pinewood derby car with our design plans, polished axles, lathed wheels plus full line of speed products and free guides, tips, Derby Racer's license, award certificates and more!
DerbyWorx - High Performance Pinewood Derby Tools and Wheels

Pinewood Derby Software

Grand-Prix Software Central  (Grand Prix Race Manager)


Pinewood Derby Tracks
Best Track All Aluminum Tracks are strong, lightweight, easy to assemble and reasonably priced. Available in 2 to 8 lanes, and all of our tracks are expandable in width or length. A lifetime warranty and our stop section are standard on all of our tracks. More people buy BestTrack aluminum pinewood derby tracks than any other pinewood derby track made. 


©2025, NewBold Products    newboldproducts@gmail.com