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Pinewood Derby
Since 1996
DerbyStick Timer > DerbyStick - 2 Lanes
DerbyStick - 2 Lanes
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Price: $119.00
Availability: Ships 1-2 weeks ARO
Prod. Code: 6002

This system includes the DerbyStick, start switch w/ 40 foot cable, two stop sensors, and CD including User Manual, USB drivers, & Results Display Software (Hyperterminal).

You must use this product with a computer.  You can purchase race software from us or use a terminal window program such as the supplied Hyperterminal to view race results.  

You will need to provide a light source for the Stop Sensors.  You can purchase our LightBridge product or use a regular incandescent light source at the finish line (one "Soft White", 60W bulb for every 3-4 lanes).  Comes with a one year warranty.


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